Saturday, January 30, 2016

First procedure of 2016

Blake had a scope done yesterday. Anything where Blake has to be put under is very scary for us. Blake likes to stop breathing while under, and bronchospasm too. The week started off with Tayla catching lice again from school...twice in the last 3 weeks. The school knows there's a big problem yet they laugh it off (literally laughed when I told them of my annoyance the 2nd time around) she was the only one effected but there is still laundry to be washed and folded. On Mon, i was an emotional wreck. I cried most of the day as i picked nits out of Taylas hair. Ok, we BOTH cried. Blakes procedure was Fri and I was overwhelmed. Things just werent going as planned. I was scared of losing Blake and the rest of my life caused my fears to worsen and nightmares to happen. But we finally made it to friday! Blake chose his outfit. I loved it! We got up before 5, took the girls to a sitter, and headed to Denver. We got in and got Blake checked in, and then waited. This cute little boy stole my heart again. He must have knew my heart needed to hear it, because ever 2 min he would say, "i love you mom" several times in a row. Then he professed his undying love to his girlfriend Then we gave him versed and he got loopy and HILARIOUS! So, we dont really know what is causing Blake's motility /digestive issues. We thought it might be a flare up with his EoE. To the naked eye, everything looked great! We will have to wait until we get the biopsies back to see what to do and where to go from here.

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